Before & After Slideshow Upload

Get Noticed!

At the Grand Rapids Remodeling & New Homes Show, we have designated feature areas – places for patrons to sit and sketch out their ideas, discuss their plans, and digest what they’re seeing at the show. As part of those areas, we’ll be displaying Before & After pictures from our exhibitors on monitors to inspire their creativity, and show off what our exhibitors can do. That’s where you come in!

Use the form below to upload your before & after pics (or if you’re a builder, just the after works!), along with a logo & contact information you want displayed, and we’ll include up to 5 sets* per exhibitor in a looping slideshow that will be on display all hours of the show.

Important Instructions:

The photos should be the largest versions you have, so that they show up brilliantly on our HD screen. The online form has a maximum upload size of 10MB per file, so if your files are larger, you may take advantage of services like Dropbox or Google Drive, and use the link option below.

To keep the slideshow consistent, please do not style your photos with your logo or booth number – we will do that when we create the slideshow.

*5 before and 5 after photos, 10 photos total. New home builders may submit 5 photos of new construction.

For more information or if you have questions, please contact Derek Lancioni at or 616-447-2860.

Submissions are now closed.